Contact Us

Feel free to use the contact form below or if you prefer, you can directly email the below email addresses.

For support, questions, order or website issues and more 
For press and marketing queries

For wholesale queries and more

Or send a private message to us on Instagram though it may get lost in other 'Other' inbox, so emailing is normally best for a quicker reply. 

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Want to chat about wholesale or collaborations more?

We really enjoy collaborating with companies and offering Good Aura Co. products at wholesale. We are flexible on deadlines, MOQ and scents. We have worked well with subscription brands, small and larger companies, events and more.

If you are interested we would love to have a chat, just drop us an email with what you are looking for or if you have questions, we can also recommend products that we think your customers would love!

You can drop Lucy (Good Aura Co. Founder!) an email directly using the link below or send an email to

Email Lucy